

现接受申请.  截止日期为3月1日.



在马里兰加速, 澳门十大赌城官方网站相信拥抱新事物, 创新, and accelerated approach to becoming a teacher creates a learning environment that allows both teachers and students to thrive in our diverse world.

还有澳门十大赌城官方网站,教育与健康学院 & 自然科学的 马里兰州加快计划 为有抱负的教师提供一个 教育学硕士学位, a 3万美元+生活津贴,以及负担得起的教育,并提供经济援助——所有这些都在一年内 13个月的教师实习计划.

教书赚钱 & 获得硕士学位

如果你现在有 学士学位 并保持了 至少3.0的绩点 然后你就可以申请这个项目了. 被录取的学生将参加一个基于队列的课程, year-long experiential teacher residency in one of our neighboring counties and receive a 3万美元+生活津贴.

  • This 程序 is nationally accredited by the National Council for the 认证 of Teacher Education (NCATE)

  • Successful candidates are eligible for Maryland’s initial certification in grades 1-6 if the elementary track is chosen or grades 7-12 if the candidate decides to pursue the secondary track.

  • The condensed experiential residency 程序 begins each May and ends the following June.

  • Candidates will complete internships throughout the school year in professional development schools.

  • The 程序 courses are taught by dynamic professors and clinical adjuncts and are structured to foster a collaborative and supportive cohort experience.

  • 该项目提供负担得起的州内和州外学费.

  • While the 程序 offers a living stipend, students are still eligible to apply for financial aid.

在完成, graduates are eligible for immediate full-time employment in the school system where residency has taken place.



电子邮件: marylandaccelerates@krissystems.com 电话:301-687-4362

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  • 资格要求

    The applicant must first be accepted into the 澳门十大赌城官方网站 Master of 艺术s in Teaching (MAT) Elementary or Secondary Program. In addition, the applicants to the Maryland Accelerates Teacher Residency Program must:

    • 拥有认可机构的学士学位,至少3分.0绩点;
    • 为二级住院医师轨道, 具有生物学学士学位或同等学历, 化学, 地球科学, 物理, 数学, 英语, 艺术, 音乐, 外语, 或计算机科学;
    • 提交 proof that they have never served as a teacher of record; and
    • 接受并通过刑事和职业背景调查.
  • 常见问题解答

    是的, a candidate must first be accepted to the FSU Master of 艺术s in Teaching (MAT) 程序.

    是的, a candidate who has been admitted to the MAT 程序 will be eligible to apply for the Teacher-Residency track. 需要单独的面试程序.

    *毕业后, the resident must apply to one of the partnering counties and commit to teaching there for a minimum of 3 academic years.

    The stipend will be paid in equal monthly installments during the one-year residency 程序.

    mat -初级:46学分;mat -中级:39-40学分

    MAT-Elementary 轨道,你需要:

    • 科学课9个学分, 课程必须包括生物学, a物理科学, 以及地球或太空课程)
    • 发展水平以上数学9学时
    • 6学时英语(3小时. 书面形式,3小时. 在文学)
    • 9 credit hours in Social Sciences (which must include a 历史 and a Psychology course)
    • 美术、外语或其他社会科学的3个学分

    All courses must be 100 level or higher and the candidate must have earned a C or better for the course to be accepted. FSU研究生目录在25-26页更详细地描述了这些课程.

    是的,你仍然有资格申请经济援助. Please visit the 金融援助 office 金融援助 for Graduate Student page for more information.

    The 程序 coordinator and district partners will take candidate circumstances and preferences for location and grade into consideration, 但最终的决定取决于各地区的需求.

    该计划将遵循现行地区政策. 如果他们亲自授课,那么你也会亲自授课, 如果这个地区很偏远,你就可以远程教学.

  • Teacher-Residency好处
    • 居民可获得30美元的生活津贴,在为期一年的教师实习项目中,获得了000+, 按月支付.
    • 成功完成课程后, 居民获得教学硕士学位(MAT).
    • Residents will be eligible for teacher licensure through the Maryland State Department of Education upon successful completion of licensure requirements.
    • Residents will be eligible for consideration for a full-time teaching position in Washington County Public Schools (WCPS) contingent on degree completion with the year-long residency, 成功的推荐信和背景调查, 还有一个空缺职位.

      Note: While the partner school district cannot guarantee the Teacher-Resident a teaching position, the Teacher-Resident will be well-positioned to be considered a competitive candidate in the hiring process. The hiring of the Teacher-Resident will be subject to the selection and hiring processes of the partner school district, and the Teacher-Resident is responsible for engaging professionally in district processes. 两个合作国家都将了解教师-居民. 居住县将有优先权. 如果该职位在该计划的任何合作国家都没有, the Maryland Accelerates Residency Program personnel will request additional options through the Department of Education for other approved school districts.

    • 作为 地区提供的诱导支持 程序, 澳门十大赌城官方网站会透过专业发展为住客提供支援, 指导/培训, 以及用于重新认证和职业发展的微型证书.
  • 来认识一下马里兰加速团队
    • Dr. Jenny Bishoff, FSU助理教授

      Dr. 詹妮弗Bishoff
      is an Assistant Professor at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 in the College of Education and Health & 自然科学以及MAT-Secondary Program的项目协调员. She previously taught in Garrett County public schools for over 10 years before beginning her tenure at Frostburg State. Dr. Bishoff拥有澳门赌城官方网站的化学学士学位, 北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校化学硕士学位, 并获得西弗吉尼亚大学教育领导与管理博士学位.

    •  Dr. Fannia L. Boayue, FSU副教授

      Dr. Fannia L. Boayue
      is an Associate Professor at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 in the College of Education and Health & 并担任马里兰加速项目的系主任.

    •  Dr. 克里斯蒂娜·达勒姆FSU讲师

      Dr. 克里斯蒂娜•达勒姆 
      是澳门十大赌城官方网站教育与健康学院的讲师 & 自然科学 and serves as the Residency Lead for the 马里兰州加快计划. 她曾在俄克拉何马卫斯理大学任教, 哈福德县公立学校, 在澳门十大赌城官方网站任职之前,她一直在巴尔的摩县公立学校工作. Dr. 达勒姆拥有华盛顿圣经学院的基础教育学士学位, 摄政大学教育学硕士学位, 获得利伯缇大学教育学博士学位.

    • Dr. 乔迪•捏 FSU副教授

      Dr. 乔迪•捏
      is an Associate Professor at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 in the College of Education and Health & 自然科学 and serves as the Teacher Leader Lead for the 马里兰州加快计划. She previously taught at Garrett County Public Schools before beginning her tenure at Frostburg State.

    • 安妮卡多 MA Grant Manager

      is one of the grant managers for Maryland Accelerates working through edBridge Partners. Annika has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University and an MPA from Pace University.

    • Dr. 克里斯·麦基FSU副教授

      Dr. 克里斯·麦吉
      is an Associate Professor at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 in the College of Education and Health & 自然科学 as well as the MAT-Elementary Program Coordinator for the 马里兰州加快计划. She previously taught at Washington County Public Schools before beginning her tenure at Frostburg State.

    • 罗希特经脉 MA基金经理

      is one of the grant managers for Maryland Accelerates working through edBridge Partners. Rohit has a Bachelor of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from Fordham Gabeli School of Business.

    • Dr. 金正日Rotruck副院长

      Dr. 金正日Rotruck
      是教育与健康学院的副院长 & 自然科学 as well as the Mega社区 Coordinator for the 马里兰州加快计划.

    • Dr. 博伊斯·威廉姆斯,澳门赌城官方网站教育与健康学院院长 & 自然科学

      Dr. 博伊斯C. 威廉姆斯
      是教育与健康学院院长吗 & 自然科学 as well as the Project Investigator for the 马里兰州加快计划.